My wife & mother-in-law have paddled me like this before. One time, when over my mil's, her next door neighbor walked in on us. She sat down under me, & started sucking on & biting my nipples, as she reached down, giving me a handjob. Between all 3 women, they had me moaning & coming in no time. Afterwards, I lay down limp, across my mil's neighbor's lap, & she hand spanked me back to full attention & took advantage of me as she sucked me in until I couldn't hold back any longer.
That's what most delivery boys deserve. They're a bunch of rude, incompetent dickheads. Having ''said'' that, I would rather be on the receiving end of a punishment like that.
Love it. Nothing like being punished by two pretty females! I didn't hear any yes ma'ams or no Miss. He should get extra punishment for disobedience for not properly addressing them.